How to register
Fiera Milano Group has a Supplier Register in which companies and professionals wishing to work with our Group can register.
Qualification in the Supplier Register is an essential condition for working with Fiera Milano S.p.A. and the companies in the Group.
The application can be sent to the email address albofornitori@fieramilano.it, complete with the following information:
- company name/professional name;
- VAT number and company/professional tax code;
- the position of the contact person who will take care of the registration, chosen from those listed below (*);
- name and surname of the contact person;
- email and telephone number of the contact person;
- description of the main product sector of specialization.
(*) list of positions of the contact person responsible for registration:
- Delegate (with proxy according to the attached facsimile).
- Legal Representative
- Attorney
- Managing Director
- Sole director
- Chairman
- Owner
- General partner
- Other role with power of signature and representation of the Company (specify position)
When receiving the application with all the required data, Fiera Milano will forward the Credentials to access the Register (username and password) by means of email notifications, so that the applicant Supplier may connect to the link https://albofornitori.fieramilano.it to start the qualification process.
In the annexes to this page you will find the "Regulations of the Supplier Register of the Fiera Milano Group" with the terms and conditions governing the registration and evaluation process, whose formal acceptance is required at the time of registration.
For further information and support, please write to: albofornitori@fieramilano.it.
Supplier Register / Procurement Department
Supplier Register / Procurement Department
Fiera Milano S.p.A.
email: albofornitori@fieramilano.it

Vendor List Regulation

Briefing documents
Fiera Milano S.p.A. - Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001
Fiera Milano Congressi S.p.A. - Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001
Nolostand S.p.A. - Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001
Ipack Ima S.r.l. - Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001